# Loading R packages
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
tsibble, fable,
feasts, tsibbledata,
kableExtra )
Linear Models, GLS, and Seasonal Indicator Variables
Ch 5.1 Code Notes
transfer from chapter_5_lesson_1_notes.qmd old repo
notes taken during class
<- rio::import("https://byuistats.github.io/timeseries/data/chocolate.csv") |>
chocolate_month2 mutate(
dates = yearmonth(ym(Month)),
month = month(dates),
year = year(dates),
stats_time = year + (month - 1) / 12,
month_seq = 1:n()
) mutate(month = factor(month)) |>
as_tsibble(index = dates)
# Fit regression model
<- chocolate_month2 |>
chocolate_lm model(TSLM(chocolate ~ 0 + stats_time + month))
# Estimated parameter values
<- chocolate_lm |>
param_est tidy() |>
[1] 1.131642 -2227.910370 -2219.304673 -2233.148977 -2233.443280
[6] -2234.837584 -2237.931887 -2236.476190 -2237.370494 -2237.514797
[11] -2232.659101 -2223.003404 -2200.097708
when removing 0 + from the tslm function. it makes january as the mt
|> # <- #1 rio::import("https://byuistats.github.io/timeseries/data/chocolate.csv") |>
chocolate_month2 mutate(
dates = yearmonth(ym(Month)),
month = month(dates),
year = year(dates),
stats_time = year + (month - 1) / 12,
month_seq = 1:n()
|> #2
) mutate(month = factor(month)) |> # factor converts numerical month into categorical levels. eg january = 1. so this parts gets us b1 jan + b2 feb ... + b12 dec.
as_tsibble(index = dates)
# A tsibble: 240 x 7 [1M]
Month chocolate dates month year stats_time month_seq
<chr> <int> <mth> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 2004-01 36 2004 Jan 1 2004 2004 1
2 2004-02 45 2004 Feb 2 2004 2004. 2
3 2004-03 29 2004 Mar 3 2004 2004. 3
4 2004-04 32 2004 Apr 4 2004 2004. 4
5 2004-05 29 2004 May 5 2004 2004. 5
6 2004-06 26 2004 Jun 6 2004 2004. 6
7 2004-07 27 2004 Jul 7 2004 2004. 7
8 2004-08 27 2004 Aug 8 2004 2005. 8
9 2004-09 29 2004 Sep 9 2004 2005. 9
10 2004-10 33 2004 Oct 10 2004 2005. 10
# ℹ 230 more rows
# Fit regression model
<- chocolate_month2 |>
chocolate_lm model(TSLM(chocolate ~ stats_time + month))
# Estimated parameter values
<- chocolate_lm |>
param_est tidy() |>
[1] -2227.910370 1.131642 8.605697 -5.238607 -5.532910
[6] -6.927214 -10.021517 -8.565821 -9.460124 -9.604428
[11] -4.748731 4.906965 27.812662