# Assign your column names to variables
<- rio::import("https://byuistats.github.io/timeseries/data/constructionequip_manu_orders_shipments.csv")
<- "date"
dates <- "constructionequip_ord"
x_col <- "constructionequip_ship"
# Assign plot labels
<- "Month"
x_label <- "New Orders & Value of Equip"
y_label <- "Time Series of Construction Equip: New Orders & Equipment" plot_title
Chapter 3 r code examples and practice
This qmd is made to summarize chapter 3 and have models for the chapter to view.
I have a goal to make the code not be reliant on adjusting variable names and titles.
This will require having an initial r chunk that assigns variable names and dataset.
I will still have multiple df.
This will be a bit hard and the models will have to be pretty general because some data sets required different approaches
I think maybe I can also assign if its yearmonth, yearquater etc, but that will require so many if statements.
- Idk how I’m going to approach this
<- df0 |>
df mutate(
date = lubridate::mdy(.data[[dates]]),
x = as.numeric(.data[[x_col]]), # Convert and rename to x
y = as.numeric(.data[[y_col]]) # Convert and rename to y
) select(date, x, y)
<- df |> # this makes a new df so either df before or this one is use.
df1 mutate(obs = row_number()) |> # makes new column with periods
select(date, obs, x, y)
<- df |> # lone df for variable x = ord
dfx mutate(obs = row_number()) |>
select(date, x)
<- df |> # lone df for y = ship
dfy mutate(obs = row_number()) |>
select(date, y)
# this is code for hw 3-1
# this code is same as the dfx2 & dfy2 code
<- df1 |>
df1 mutate(index = tsibble::yearmonth(date)) |> # 3.1
as_tsibble(index = index) |>
select(index, date, x, y)
autoplot(df1, .vars = x) +
geom_line(data = df1, aes(x = index, y = y), color = "#E69F00") +
x = x_label,
y = y_label,
title = plot_title
) theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))